Welcome to Angela Parchetta! You have a new single on the way – we are so excited to listen! What can you tell us all about the new song? 

Hi! Thank you so much and yes I do! I’m so excited for it. It’s called Like You Want Me To and I wrote it with my good friend Lindsay Popa. It’s produced by Jacob Ishler and mastered by Carl Bahner. The song idea came to me 4th of July 2021 when I heard fireworks outside of my apartment. I started thinking about how fireworks are a great representation of toxic relationships/people. They’re bright and exciting, beautiful and celebrated…but only from far away. If you get too close to fireworks, they’re no longer any of that…they’re just dangerous. So with that in mind, I started writing about someone who has been drawn in by firework types too many times to make that mistake again. They’re basically saying “I know how this is going to end so I don’t want you like you want me to.”

The song is pretty heavy on the synth-pop with a hint of dark pop. Think Bleachers meets American Authors meets Reputation era Taylor Swift!

What is your creative process like when bringing a song to life? Did you write this one?  

When I start writing a song, it’s usually inspired by an idea or single phrase that gets stuck in my head. I will then sit down and brain dump everything I can surrounding the idea or phrase and then sift through it all. I grab my guitar or go to my piano and start playing around with chords until I find the progression that just feels right. Then I start improvising. I let the chords and the ideas I wrote down be a loose guide and I usually get some great lines from that, and from there I just fill in the blanks!

Do you have a favorite part about pursuing music? Is it writing, recording, performing? 

I absolutely LOVE writing. It is my favorite part of this journey. I think it’s incredible how you can sit down either by yourself or with a co-writer with a simple idea and a few hours later have a full song! It’s crazy…like that song didn’t exist and now it does. It is hands down my favorite part.

Did any artists have influenced your music the most and why? 

Anyone who knows me knows the answer to this one: Taylor Swift. When she came on the music scene, she really showed me that songwriting and guitar was not something out of reach. If I wanted to learn guitar, I could. If I wanted to write, I could. I distinctly remember saying “well if she can play guitar and write songs so can I!” She was also the first artist to show me how to be fearless and free in my songwriting. I’m inspired by her work ethic, lyricism and her abilities to connect with her fans.

Thanks for answering our questions today. We appreciate your time.  Tell fans where they can find you and follow along and also listen to your new music! 

Thank you so much! Check out my website: to get a free copy of my debut EP Not Another Love Story and to Pre-Save Like You Want Me To!

You can stream my music on Spotify, Apple Music or wherever else you listen to music. I’d love to connect on socials! I’m @AngelaParchetta everywhere,

except tiktok…on there I’m @AngelaParchettaMusic.

End of Interview