Sex People drop cutting edge EP

Sexy melodies and muscular rhythms meet blistering, raw tonality in the brand new EP Cal-Island: Season 1, from California’s own Sex People. Sex People are a new arrival on the scene but have anything but an amateurish vibe to their agile, tightly wound music. Cal-Island wastes no time sinking its urbane teeth into …

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The Chris Ruben Band – Stomach Coil

URL: Stampeding from beyond the silence, a bold drumbeat comes galloping through our stereo before giving way to a sharp lead guitar bent on cutting into our souls one note at a time. The lead scratches against a synthesized tidal wave of anti-melodies, eventually combining their forces and saturating …

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The Chordaes’ new single “Venus”

by Mark Druery NSTAGRAM: The contrast generated between the bassline beating against the familiar rhythm that we find in The Chordaes’ new single “Venus” isn’t the only draw that the interstellar rock song boasts, but it certainly is one of its more refined attributes. The Chordaes strut with total confidence through the subtly …

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Ashley Delima – Cigarette

YOU TUBE: “Cigarette” mesmerized me with a single hearing. Having no experience of Ashley Delima’s talents before hearing this song, I immediately searched out some information about her and versed myself with her previous work. This new performer on the pop scene has a previous single, “Stay in America”, …

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Robert Miller’s Project Grand Slam release Live Album

The latest release from the Robert Miller led Project Grand Slam, Greetings from Serbia, is an attractively packaged seventh recording from this self described jazz rock fusion six piece. Miller, one of the best bass players you will ever here, took his band mates with him to play the famous Nišville …

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DawgGoneDavis’ new EP I’m Here for Thee

In the first few seconds of DawgGoneDavis’ new EP I’m Here for Thee, the stampede of the album’s namesake track careens through our stereo speakers with a fierce brutality that is both unforgiving and yet infectiously decadent. The Kansas City rapper slices through the flutes, synths, horns and every other textured …

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Seven Against Thebes release follow-up  Album

In order to properly define rock music, you must be able to understand and subsequently appreciate sonic physicality. One of the greatest songwriters of the last 25 years said that rock n’ roll isn’t about safety, and although some would argue that the statement doesn’t apply to modern rock music, …

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