Pretty Awkward – “Bored” (SINGLE)

Those who would tell you rock doesn’t work with the sleek pop hooks it used to in modern times just weren’t expecting a band like Pretty Awkward to debut in the last year, and with their new single “Bored,” the group puts an exclamation point on their meteoric rise to …

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Traveler Tales (LP) from David Arn

Traveler Tales from David Arn yarns together 14 different paths, 14 different emotions. From the opening folk gem “We’re Not Broken: The Lover’s Tale” to the beautiful “Mother’s Day: The Mother’s Tale” and to the closing “When It’s Over: The Ex-Lover’s Tale” Arn, along with some special guests, weaves together chapters …

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Nathaniel Bellows – Three (LP)

Nathaniel Bellows’ latest effort is the deceptively simple titled Three, arguably a continuation in the vein of previous works The Old Illusions and Swan and Wolf respectively. A constant in both popular and indie music is the deconstruction of stereotypes and typical attributes when it comes to image, Bellows proving …

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Little Hurt Releases “My Head Hurts” (SINGLE)

There’s a lot of life in the modern pop-rock landscape. Little Hurt is the brainchild of onetime Mowgil’s front man and songwriter Colin Dieden and synthesizing the aforementioned musical styles with a contrast of boisterous musical energy and despairing words. Dieden understands the dynamics driving a song’s drama can manifest …

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Ronnue Releases New Album

Kicking and screaming its way out of the silence and into the spotlight, we find Ronnue’s rendition of the iconic “Sex Shooter” almost bursting at the seams with a hearty synth melody before we even know what to do with it. Set to a swaggering tempo that picks up the …

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Moon Fever – “Cocaine” (SINGLE)

Hollywood rockers Moon Fever’s new single “Cocaine” demonstrates all the attributes thus far fueling the guitar-driven outfit’s bid for popular and critical notice. Tracks such as this are a throwback to an earlier time in rock history. It isn’t glorifying substance abuse to say songs about drug use, from marijuana …

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